
The information contained in this website is for guidance only and should not be relied. The information on this website is not intended to render legal advice and is general information only.

Dare To Dream" Network takes no responsibility for loss occasioned directly or indirectly by any person acting or refraining from acting in whole or in part upon information available on this website or for any error or omission in this website. You assume all risks for inaccuracies or omissions in the information and should always make sure the information is correct and current.

Visitors are specifically advised that they should seek appropriate and timely advice from a qualified professional before utilizing anyone's services.

Further,  "Dare To Dream" Network and or D B Williams (aka; Danny Williams/Barbara Costello-Williams) only takes credit for the creation, design and marketing of this web site and its pages, and are in no way responsible for any of the content, of any web sites, listed (or linked) on the "Dare To Dream" Network website.

Email:  Contact (at) DareToDreamNetwork.net
